H hagadol Active member Messages 140 Likes 0 Feb 13, 2004 #1 Looking at Captial Spreads. they are giving a price for Daily and March. (FX Dollar / Pound). In terms of price movement do the two prices tend to move up and down together at more or less the same percentage ?
Looking at Captial Spreads. they are giving a price for Daily and March. (FX Dollar / Pound). In terms of price movement do the two prices tend to move up and down together at more or less the same percentage ?
User Experienced member Messages 1,170 Likes 23 Feb 13, 2004 #2 Yes they do but the spread on daily is less and the daily is obviously settled at the end of the day. They only rarely move in different values for minor adjustments. For e.g Daily is market value March contract would be stilghtly higher or lower June would agiain be higher or lower As the march contract comes nearer to settlement date the june contracts get slightly adjusted to nearer the market values. For more forecast views on Euro/£ vs $ look into: Euro/$---GBP/$ Where now? http://www.trade2win.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?s=&postid=80138#post80138
Yes they do but the spread on daily is less and the daily is obviously settled at the end of the day. They only rarely move in different values for minor adjustments. For e.g Daily is market value March contract would be stilghtly higher or lower June would agiain be higher or lower As the march contract comes nearer to settlement date the june contracts get slightly adjusted to nearer the market values. For more forecast views on Euro/£ vs $ look into: Euro/$---GBP/$ Where now? http://www.trade2win.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?s=&postid=80138#post80138