Discovering My Path


OCT 29th, 2:49AM

The stock market is something that intrigues me. I want to learn how to make money trading stocks and other things and I want to be able to make a steady income off of it. Eventually I want to learn how to make a living from it. Then I can build a web site around my success and make money with that as well.

Vanessa wants me to stay in the military for 20 plus years. She loves it, but unfortunately I don’t. If we would of got stationed somewhere else like over-seas maybe I would like it a bit better. I just don’t like feeling like I’m a slave. There is so many little things that you have to do, and you can get in trouble for dumb ****; it’s really annoying.

Enough about the military, this is supposed to me my trading journal. I have made 1 round trip trade so far and I’m currently in another one at the moment. The first trade was, CMG (chipotle). I have been watching the stock for about a year and half now and I felt confident it would rise. I was right and I ended up making $183 dollars profit off of the trade. I could have done it better though.

I bought in a little too early because I was anxious on making my first trade and I was scared I would miss out on my opportunity. I should have known better and have waited, but in the end I made a profit. I could have held on a bit more and maybe I should have just put in a stop to lock in the profits that I had earned. Either way I was happy with the outcome because I made a profit. In the end I learned my lesson:

“Don’t rush to get into a stock, wait till there is a signal to buy and then get in.”

My second trade so far that I’m in is AAPL (Apple). I bought 12 shares at a price of $422. I placed the order right at closing and on the day earning’s statement came out. Apple is a great company, but the earnings were lower than expected; mostly because of Iphone sale’s. Sales for the Iphone were quite a bit lower because people are waiting to buy the new Iphone that just came out. Sales for the new Iphone are really good so far as well.

Anyways, after the earning’s were reported, the stock dropped 25 dollars. It is only a 5% drop in total price. Either way I have been down since and I have been waiting patiently for it to go back up. Currently the stock is at $404, so if I was to sell my stocks right now I would be down about $216 dollars. I thought that the earnings were going to be higher than expected and that the stock would have risen $25 or so dollars overnight and I could of profited around $250 dollars in 1 night. I was wrong though.

I have considered selling the stock for a loss and then buying back in at a lower price, but in the end I think I’ll give it a week or 2 to see what happens. Loosing $200 dollars would suck, but I’m not emotional about it; which is a good thing. Either way I learned a valuable lesson:

“It is very risky to buy into a stock right before earnings; instead it might be better to buy in after earnings come out.”

In a way I’m glad I made this mistake. Even though it was the hard way, I will not make a trade like this again. I learned my lesson and that is the most important thing. Hopefully the stock will rise back up to where I bought it and I will close out the trade with a minimal loss.

Despite this mistake, my knowledge of the stock market is growing and I can’t wait to make another trade. I already have stock’s lined up to buy if I they give me a signal to buy. There is so much to learn online for free, I have my hands full with the material to learn. I have learned the basics of what it takes to trade stocks, but I haven’t scratched the surface as well. I have put a lot of time into stocks and my goals of being a web design have been put on the back burner. I will be successful with trading stocks, I feel like with the knowledge I know right now I could be successful; imagine when I learn even more. Right now, my goal is to just build up my account each year, doubling my money. I hope to start 2012 with around $4000 dollars. So in 2012 I hope to make an additional $4000 to bring my 2012 end of year balance to $8000.

Time will tell if I’m successful or not.

Mood: Hopeful

I decided to start a journal to remind me of my mistakes and what I have done in the past so I can learn from them. I started this journal on a Word doc on my computer, but decided to post it up here since there was a section for a"Trading journal". This journal is for me and is not ment to teach others. If you feel like commenting, feel free. Thanks for any support and wish you all good trading.

also if you have advice I would love to hear it. I'm new to the stock market, but I'm hungry to learn more. Thanks again!
"My second trade so far that I’m in is AAPL (Apple). I bought 12 shares at a price of $422. I placed the order right at closing and on the day earning’s statement came out. Apple is a great company, but the earnings were lower than expected; mostly because of Iphone sale’s. Sales for the Iphone were quite a bit lower because people are waiting to buy the new Iphone that just came out. Sales for the new Iphone are really good so far as well.

Anyways, after the earning’s were reported, the stock dropped 25 dollars. It is only a 5% drop in total price. Either way I have been down since and I have been waiting patiently for it to go back up. Currently the stock is at $404, so if I was to sell my stocks right now I would be down about $216 dollars. I thought that the earnings were going to be higher than expected and that the stock would have risen $25 or so dollars overnight and I could of profited around $250 dollars in 1 night. I was wrong though.

I have considered selling the stock for a loss and then buying back in at a lower price, but in the end I think I’ll give it a week or 2 to see what happens. Loosing $200 dollars would suck, but I’m not emotional about it; which is a good thing. Either way I learned a valuable lesson"

Fundamental: When placing a trade, stick to your original plan. Buying apple in anticipation of higher than forcasted sales figures is fair enough,but then once its gone the other way, that should be your signal to GET OUT.
Holding the stock now is pointless because you are owning the stock on no knowledge or plan that is going to go up apart from the classic "I'll see where it is tomorrow"
Unfortunately if the stock were to rise in that time, this would be due to luck and nothing else.
Moral of the story: Plan your trade, and once your plan goes against you, get out.
Holding stocks for no reason is the same as gambling my friend.