=========================================================osho67 said:I am searching a cheap broker for direct access options trading apart fro IB. Any idea who comes close to IB in commission rates? And will also accept UK resident accounts. Thanks
======================================================osho67 said:Dear Bull,
What would you say a fair percent return on your capital employed.
A Dashing Blade said:Yawn, here we go again, Bulldozer stepping in with his size 12's, txt spk and smilies slagging off IB
Forgetting about IB = Good/Bad whatever, your quote "Get a broker who has good common sense rules! wiv good margin rules and regulated with the UK FSA!! " can't be left unchallanged.
As has been pointed out to you before iirc, when you go over margin, it's your broker who is at risk.
Please read the next sentence carefully
Any broker who consistantly allows a client/clients to breach exchange minimum requirements is demonstrating very poor risk control (unlimited downside if the position gets progressively worse and client fails to meet the requirement) and is in danger of being fined (maybe barred?) by the SFA.
Understand? Given your views on risk vs reward, do you think that is a good trade? If your broker gives you a bit of leeway then so be it. But it seems to me that your definition of a "good" broker is seriously skewed.
Anyway, the original question was "I am searching a cheap broker for direct access options trading apart fro IB. Any idea who comes close to IB in commission rates? And will also accept UK resident accounts. Thanks"
My answer is no.
Anticapating your "LOL you kid go and learn about options" typical response when someone challanges you, here's my background . . .
1985 - 91 : LTOM Equity options Extel rated broker/analyst (vividly remember put writers getting blown out of the water over the Crash)
1991 - 94 : LIFFE Futures & options trading (on and off the floor)
1995 - date : IT guy sitting on various prop trading desks
=========================================================================osho67 said:Dear Bull
I donot understand why you have this fixation in your mind about margins. Suppose IB is not doing right, Their clients power -which is vast- will make them do it correctly. At the moment I am exploiting IB and making money because of their practically nil charges.
A Dashing Blade said:Yawn, here we go again, Bulldozer stepping in with his size 12's, txt spk and smilies slagging off IB
Anticapating your "LOL you kid go and learn about options" typical response when someone challanges you, here's my background . . .
1985 - 91 : LTOM Equity options Extel rated broker/analyst (vividly remember put writers getting blown out of the water over the Crash)
1991 - 94 : LIFFE Futures & options trading (on and off the floor)
1995 - date : IT guy sitting on various prop trading desks
bulldozer said:UK brokers are NOT taking any risk at all!! Plz allow me to tell/teach you why!?
Firstly i can only speak on the brokers i use.
1. They give you a form to fill in wiv MANY questions.
2. You also have to state your NET worth [cash, assests,property/homes, stocks cetificates, bonds etc]
3. They do not take on novices wiv less than 6 months expireince to trade short strangles.or any naked positions.
4. They need to be FULLY convinced you know what your doing and how to get out of sticky situations, convert, hedge etc.
5. You also sign a document that allows them to take legal action against your assets.
6. If you dont pass the questionair they will not allow you to trade FUTURES or NAKED OPTIONS.
7. These forms are SET by the FSA regulations.and if the brokers are in breach of these rules? yes they are fined and if they do it again perhaps more bigger fines or loss of license.
bulldozer said:8. If it was against the fsa rules to let a client trade naked?! Then over 70 % of brokers are in breach of FSA rules. I was on margin call wiv a big London broker many times and i have allways settled the problem on the third day of grace or before.
bulldozer said:9. If a client has £1Ml in OPTION account and positions lose £2Ml in a crash [like 1987]] and that client has over £2ml in assests?! does the broker suffer any loss?
bulldozer said:9. You sound that your a person wiv common sense?! and wiv good backround too. Tell me how many traders went bust trading naked options/ short strangles on footsie index in the last 20 yrs? in percentage terms plz you dont need to be precise! just give a rough percentage?
bulldozer said:What percentage got blown out of the water over the crash?
bulldozer said:Cause my next question to you is why did'nt the rest get blown out the water?
bulldozer said:Do all brokers have same rules on liquidation when account goes on marg-call? if NOT why not?
bulldozer said:Some brokers liquidate ALL positions if your on margin call, others dont.!! You have one that DOES!!
def said:For those pushing the limits, they can select the order of instruments that get liquidated