Difference Of Opinion!


Experienced member
WHY?....If the basic principles apply to us all! Small boys, traders and investors, do investors have traders? Or do time frames separate us? Money!? Small boys may not be able to move a market, but they can certainly stay in it with the right money management, and turn a profit! What determines right from wrong? Zero sum...would this imply that a market has a 0 level anything else is + or -. Indicators, why do people using the same package end up opposite? Why is crash bad if your selling? Whats the percentage of investors that fail( only human)? Herd mentality, right or wrong? Why so much talk about precise action or actions? Why talk about the markets at all if you know a good % wont agree? Are the markets personal? Are the markets a true distinguishing link of humanity? How can there be obviousness with arguement? Why did the markets come about? What is the nature of the markets? WHY ARE YOU TRADING THE WAY YOU DO? EVERYONES A WINNER! I HEARD THE MEASLY 5% SAY!
More to the point....how can indicators be trusted? they derive from human intervention! Are they an after thought of the worthy 5%? Do the worthy 5% agree or disagree with each other? Facts and figures dont add up to much on the markets, because they have humans meddling with them. Humans eh! what are we like? Bottom line...agree to disagree, and if numb nuts agrees with you then you have a problem?
Sorry folks! i always seem to end up slagging indicators! I could talk about baking a victoria sandwich....and in the recipe bit slag off indicators?