demo trade futures


Junior member
hi all,
im new to this forum and looking at getting into trading futures (the s&p 500 emini)Im not a total novice to trading,i have a fairly good understanding of options,having previously written covered calls and credit spreads,my technical analysis reading skills are fair at best and a work in progress.However ive never daytraded and the closest ive got to using those depth of money platforms is trading the betfair markets.
anyway im to busy with work to be trading and as im in australia the times are all wrong for me,is it possible to get old data of days gone by and trade it with a DOM like im trading live,but i can do it any time.Just something to get me going until i finish this job and have more time on my hands Cheers
Historical data on a simulated DOM is not possible. Tat is down to paper trade backtesting. Most data vendors do however have a sim live version complete with DOM . Give that a whirl.
A DOM is for real-time data. You can open a Demo/Simulated trading account with a broker, most of them are offering such accounts. For example see here Free Simulated Trading
Amp Futures Services- futures trading
You can use Ninja Trader as trading platform.
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