Dangerous to invest in YUM! brands


Apparently PETA launched an international campaign against KFC and since then 8 out of 15 quarters have shown zero or negative same-store sales growth for KFC. Also, at the launch of the campaign (4 years ago), KFC said it wanted to have 8,000 U.S. restaurants, but since then, number ha sactually GONE DOWN by 80 (they’re still only at about 5,400). Lots of KFCs have closed following PETA protests. I know PETA has campaigned against a lot of other companies in the past and won, and it sounds like they will win this one too (apparently their anti-KFC activist network grew 245% last year). I would be willing to invest in this company after the campaign is over (looks like it costs the company only about 2 cents per meal to implement the technology PETA wants, and ROI would be reached very soon) but until then I am staying away from YUM! stock.