Pattern recognition and indicators should never be used in isolation when trading as they rarely produce high probability trades on a consistent basis. However, when used in conjunction with Intermarket Analysis they become far more effective.
A simple Intermarket technique to determine the strength of a currency is analyse the Dollar Index relative to other currencies.
By focusing on the strongest or weakest currencies trading can be less ambiguous and we can eliminate the false signals.
The analysis can be used to help verify trading signals or filter out any potential bad trades.
The Indicator will display the individual currency strength for the current day.
A simple Intermarket technique to determine the strength of a currency is analyse the Dollar Index relative to other currencies.
By focusing on the strongest or weakest currencies trading can be less ambiguous and we can eliminate the false signals.
The analysis can be used to help verify trading signals or filter out any potential bad trades.
The Indicator will display the individual currency strength for the current day.
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