Copenhagen, Concun and beyond ???????


Legendary member
It is reported that 192 countries were represented at Concun in Mexico. And what did all these people achieve to save our planet ? Not much it seems

Too little too late by spineless jellies masquerading as politicians.

So who is responsible for cutting down the forests of the Amazon, Congo, Indonesia etc. ?

Geedy money men. Anything to make a fast buck - no matter it ruins the planet they fell the trees and plant grass for grazing, soya beans for vegetable oil etc.

Who owns the factories belching out nauseous gasses - greedy money men again

and so it goes on this insane desire to turn the world into one foul pig sty of consumed materials. Great mountains of fridges, TVs, garbage
You can't blame the clever cloggses for cashing in on the wants and needs of the people. Power lies with the people themselves.
Do some digging on what happened to Coca Cola sales after this speech.
Do you buy from only green companies?
All the money in the world whether paper or gold isn't much use if the planet dies.

The American idea of over consumption and waste needs changing fast. Thank goodness that clot Bush has gone but Congress still needs convincing.

Greed is not good

Glad to see Buffett, Gates and other billionaires spreading their good fortune around a bit tho. Not everyone is as thick as sh*t
It's a pity that the world's 2 biggest polluters, the USA and China, don't seem much interested in curbing carbon emissions etc. Perhaps it's just a coincidence that both have a money mania !!
UN climate change talks in Cancun agree a deal
Under the deal some countries will escape the extension of emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol Continue reading the main story
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UN talks in Cancun have reached a deal to curb climate change, including a fund to help developing countries.

Nations endorsed compromise texts drawn up by the Mexican hosts, despite objections from Bolivia.

The draft documents say deeper cuts in carbon emissions are needed, but do not establish a mechanism for achieving the pledges countries have made.

Some countries' resistance to the Kyoto Protocol had been a stumbling block during the final week of negotiations.

However, diplomats were able to find a compromise.

Delegates cheered speeches from governments that had caused the most friction during negotiations - Japan, China, even the US - as one by one they endorsed the draft.

BBC environment correspondent Richard Black said the meeting did not achieve the comprehensive, all-encompassing deal that many activists and governments want.

But he said it was being "touted as a platform on which that comprehensive agreement can be built".

European Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said the deal was substantial and covered several issues
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon said the summit had allowed leaders to "glimpse new horizons" where countries had the "shared task to keep the planet healthy and keep it safe from [humans]".

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron said: "Now the world must deliver on its promises. There is more hard work to be done ahead of the climate change conference in South Africa next year."

The Green Climate Fund is intended to raise and disburse $100bn (£64bn) a year by 2020 to protect poor nations against climate impacts and assist them with low-carbon development.

Yes well all the delegates can look forward to another all expenses paid holiday in South Africa next year. Nothing much solved but plenty of hot air

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