Cheapest way to scalp?

hey folks,

what instruments would you recommend for scalping and short term trading? with cheap i mean low spreads and commissions...

i guess futures are cheaper than forex?

thanks bye
I think hear prospreads might be good for scalping but I have never used them so please ask around.. I scalp futures myself though..(index,commods.. the liquid stuff)... system latency will be your biggest concern...good luck.
can anyone tell me the typical spread and ATR for s&p 500, dow and nasdaq100? i like to compare these to figure out how expensive trading is...
can anyone tell me the typical spread and ATR for s&p 500, dow and nasdaq100? i like to compare these to figure out how expensive trading is...
why not have a look at our website, , under products we show our spreads.
Just to point out the margins stated are full margins, divide these by 5 for intra day marging per 1 lot.