Cancer and Mobile Phones Linked; Nokia Stock Slumps


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The radiation caused by cell phones has led the WHO to put mobile phones in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as engine exhausts, and lead.

Until now WHO have claimed that no concrete evidence has been provided to suggest the link between cell phones and the disease. While they suggest a “possible’ connection between the two, evidence recently studied by scientists suggests a worrying pattern.

The electromagnetic radiation which is emitted by cellphones is similar to that of a microwave oven. Radiation is at its strongest when the phone is trying to connect in a weak signal area such as an elevator, or an area without a phone mast nearby.

The safety guide for the Apple iPhone 4 advises: “”When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 millimeters (5/8 inch) away from the body.” While the safety guide for the Blackberry Bold suggests users to: “keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.98 inch (25 millimeters) from your body when the BlackBerry device is transmitting.”

The studied data which led to the WHO’s classification dates up to 2004, and according to the Wireless Association, the WHO: “did not conduct any new research, but rather reviewed published studies”, whereas experts state that radiation in new handsets has decreased over time since 2004.

Nokia whose stocks slumped yesterday to the lowest level since 1998, traded at 4.39 Euros and lost as much as 10.2 per cent today, refused to comment on the new announcement by WHO.

This is old news. I suspect it has purposely been kept quiet for obvious reasons. Wifi from routers is the same
Nokia has been falling in price all year, mainly because they have failed to keep up with the expansion of more sophisticated hand held devices.