Cambrian corporation


Has anyone heard of Cambrian Corporation , they are based in New Zealand and offer a trading system . My brother in law was offered a system which promises some very high returns . Don't know the guy behind it or their experience .
Anyone know anything ?
hi peter

director and 50% shareholder Jade LYNN

50% shareholder Gregory PASCOE

another company of Jade LYNN directorship looks set to be struck off.


This company is now overdue in its obligation to file an annual return. If the annual return is not filed immediately the Registrar will initiate action to remove the company from the register.

other companies appear to have been struck off already, but further research would be required to check if they were directed by the cambrian jade lynn, if the same person my guess is they will likely cut and run at some point in time. their website expires 2016-10-05 so the question is will they be around after that to continue the tuition?

with regard to Cambrian Corporation..

The Financial Markets Authority has issued a direction order to foreign exchange education firm Cambrian Corp to change the way it markets itself, which the market watchdog said was either misleading or deceptive and made unsubstantiated claims about its services...

...The order said the FMA was concerned Cambrian didn't seem to accept the misleading nature of the marketing, and that when asked to substantiate claims there wasn't enough evidence to back them up. The regulator was also concerned that testimonials were from family and friends of the company's director, who been some way through the process but hadn't traded using the strategy...

"From the clients we interviewed and trades we analysed, the FMA did not find any evidence that Cambrian's strategy resulted in the claimed returns,"

the last paragraph in the quote sums up the situation nicely. as does the "family and friends" testimonials.

are they expensive? it is not clear from their website their fees, a tidy sum no doubt :whistling

good luck :clover:
Thanks Clover ,

So don't touch it .

My brother in law did say it seemed to good to be true.

Very heavy handed sales pitch .Desperate I suppose with that sort of media.Looks like they will be busy with claimant and probably go bankrupt.

Thanks for the research you have done .I will pass on to my brother in law.

They wanted NZD$10K
