The Proper syntax for the function HighD would be to use parentheses after the call instead of square brackets. You would get an error if you tried to use the square brackets as this infers an executive offset instead of a function parameter. So just change the square brackets to parentheses and it will work. You can also use the same syntax for close. You have CloseD(N), OpenD(N), HighD(N) and LowD(N), where N is the number of days ago that you are wishing to reference. There are also some special version of these functions written by some of us in the TradeStation forums to allow for differing session and such and you can find some of those in the File Library.
To get the value of an RSI function or such on a different day from current would require that you create a variable and then capture the results of the function at a specific location and then hold that value for future reference. Conversely you can create an array and hold multiple value and end up with a choice of values that you can later access.