If you want a lower stress approach and have around $1m to invest you may want to investigate tactical asset allocation methods for the bulk of the money and keep an account separate from that strategy which you can be more aggressive with. I would suggest you read Meb Fabers book Global Asset Allocation, its a free PDF if you go to his website. I would not however suggest investing in his funds, rather look at a site like Allocate Smartly and construct a portfolio which suits your risk tolerance. The most important thing is to get to the point where you are covering living costs and have some faith in consistency of return. The upside is determined only by your tolerance for downside and that is the brutally honest part. This is just my advice. I have been a full time trader for many years and despite some tough experiences in the past, today I live relatively stress free and have more freedom in life than most people I know. I wish you every success.