Brokers offering Eccoware trading platform


Hello There,
I am a scalper, and spread trader using TT.
I have read about ECCO trading platform, but I wasn't able to find anything more than their company web site.

Do you guys know of any broker offering it? Or have an idea which futues exchange coverage this platform has?
Any other info, costs, manual, demos will be appreciated...

I am really interested in testing this product.
The platform covers every electronic exchange. Most of the London clearer offer this platform. I know that ADM investor services and Fortis have people on it. I also know that they have been doing a lot of work in the US over the past year so i am sure they have people on it there too. Try contacting Ecco directly, they do have an office in Chicago.
I can assure you they are a very good and reliable. I say this because I know the people who set it up.
twalker said:
The platform covers every electronic exchange. Most of the London clearer offer this platform. I know that ADM investor services and Fortis have people on it. I also know that they have been doing a lot of work in the US over the past year so i am sure they have people on it there too. Try contacting Ecco directly, they do have an office in Chicago.
I can assure you they are a very good and reliable. I say this because I know the people who set it up.

Thank you TW...
Will try to contact for a demo....
even if I was unable to find anything on their web sites...
