Brian Clough and Peter Taylor


Active member
I was watching the tribute to Brian Clough the other night on the BBC and whilst I thought the man was a genius his teams did perform better when aided by Peter Taylor. Then I wondered whether many traders team up with a partner and if the success rate improves. Even Warren Buffett has Charlie Munger in the background as a partner so maybe some of us would benefit by pairing up with a suitable partner. I`ve always thought that most of us operate as lone traders but I wondered whether anybody out there does trade with a partner?
Good Q. LC. they do say that 2 heads are better then 1.

Anyone else got a view?
Yes, I got a partner trading with me, is job is to enter and exit my trades, I make the decisions. This helps me a lot, I have no need to mess around with the order book. all nees to say, buy or sell. No need to take my eyes of the screen, I then go on to say place a stop here or take profit there, much less stressful. Its hard work scalping on you own watching charts and trying to place a trade the same time.
