Best Way To Scan For Divergences?


Junior member
Using either williams Accumulation/Distribution or Chaikin Money Flow bullish or bearish.

For Example:

Price higher than the highest close during the previous five days
and indicator currently lower than the lowest reading during the same period

Price increased by at least given 2.5 % while Indicator has decreased by at least 8 %

Price higher than previous ten days maximum, and indicator lower than previous ten days mazimum.

Any other ways to do it? What has worked best for you?

This is quite custom. I do not know any source unless
1. you have trading platform tat give you the ability to program your own indicators and systems.
2. you have access to raw data feed and again, you can write a small program that would do it.

When you program, basically, you have to apply stochastic formula to price and to indicator:
1. when 5-day stochastic applied to closing price = 100, you have new highest close
2. when 5-day stochastic applied to indicator = 0, you have the lowest indicator's reading over the past 5 days