Best Intraday Charting platform?


Junior member
Wondering what everyone's opinion is on who they deem to have the best intraday charting platform from a direct access broker? I currently use Power Etrade Pro and find its charting capabilities to be completely futile in many respects. I have considered purchasing another stand alone charting program to run alongside Etrade, but I thought I would venture another route first. That route would be switching to a brokerage that has offers a top of the line platform. I looked through the broker ratings here on ET and found that IB was rated highly, as well as Open E Cry. Since the broker ratings take everything into consideration I thought that I would make a post that only inquires about the intraday charting platform and see what people have to say about what they are using, or have used. I am mainly looking for something that allows for a user defined layout across multiple monitors that can monitor a security in many timeframes. This is the norm I know, but Power Etrade Pro, while they currently offer this, doesnt make the grade. Their charting is absolutely ridiculous for many reasons. For now, I was just wondering if there are other traders that maybe could help aid me in my decision making. Any insight/comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for your time,

IB's own charts are a fairly new innovation and are very primative things. But a number of 'third party' suppliers offer much better products which take real time data feed and recent backffill from IB, and/or from any other data supplier you nominate (perhaps to get more extensive back-data, for example). I use Medved Quotetracker which is excellent, but Sierra Charts is recc by many, and more are to be found on the IB website at

There is a new thread for IB recently set up on T2W which may elicit further response.
