BBC Iplayer: "In Our Time" archive on-demand


Legendary member
What a treasure trove of knowledge and insight!

BBC radios series "In Our Time" is a series of programs where various subjects are discussed by experts.

The subjects range from Science, Philosophy, Renaissance, Literature, etc.

ALL of the episodes are available to hear via Iplayer.
This weekend I had subjects such as "Nuclear Fusion", "Epicurianism", and "Existentialism" playing in the background.

If you get a chance, please have a listen to some of them (about 45 minutes long)

Thanks Trendie

What a treasure trove of knowledge and insight!

BBC radios series "In Our Time" is a series of programs where various subjects are discussed by experts.

The subjects range from Science, Philosophy, Renaissance, Literature, etc.

ALL of the episodes are available to hear via Iplayer.
This weekend I had subjects such as "Nuclear Fusion", "Epicurianism", and "Existentialism" playing in the background.

If you get a chance, please have a listen to some of them (about 45 minutes long)


Excellent find Trendy.I have often wished I had time to listen to more output on Radio 4.