backtesting issue....amibroker


Junior member
I am using a code to test my semi mechanical trading system.

This code marks buy/sell/short/cover arrows when I press appropriate

tab in properties window during bar replay.

And at the end of bar replay,when I run backtest in AA window of AB,it

displays PnL and other statistics.

While checking these results,I found that last trade of 20th Dec. was

marked as loss making trade while it was actually a profitable trade.

When I took close look at chart and back testing results,I found a

mismatch on this bar.However all other trades have been correctly

displayed in BT.

My last trade was just before market close (square off of long

trade).This trade was correctly marked on chart on last bar of the

day.but BT results shows that trade was squared up at 4538 (on 3.15

P.M. bar). I am not able to find reason for mis-match.Pl. guide.

Uploaded with
code used...........

function DeleteComposite( CompositeName )
global Ticker;
oAB = CreateObject( "Broker.Application" );
oStocks = oAB.Stocks();
oStocks.Remove( CompositeName );

function AddTradeToComposite( Ticker, Action, LMTPrice )
global Ticker;
BI = BarIndex();
LBI = LastValue( BI );

if ( Action != "" )
SignalArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "V", False ) );
BuyPriceArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "O", False ) );
SellPriceArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "H", False ) );
ShortPriceArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "L", False ) );
CoverPriceArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "C", False ) );

switch ( Action )

case "BUY":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 1;
BuyPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

case "SELL":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 2;
SellPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

case "SHORT":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 4;
ShortPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

case "COVER":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 8;
CoverPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

case "REVLONG":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 8 | 1;
CoverPriceArray[LBI] = BuyPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

case "REVSHORT":
SignalArray[LBI] = SignalArray[LBI] | 2 | 4;
SellPriceArray[LBI] = ShortPriceArray[LBI] = LMTPrice;

AddToComposite( SignalArray, Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "V", 7 | atcFlagEnableInIndicator );
AddToComposite( BuyPriceArray, Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "O", 7 | atcFlagEnableInIndicator );
AddToComposite( SellPriceArray, Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "H", 7 | atcFlagEnableInIndicator );
AddToComposite( ShortPriceArray, Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "L", 7 | atcFlagEnableInIndicator );
AddToComposite( CoverPriceArray, Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "C", 7 | atcFlagEnableInIndicator );

Ticker = Name();
Action = "";

if ( ParamTrigger( "Buy", "BUY" ) ) Action = "BUY";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Sell", "SELL" ) ) Action = "SELL";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Short", "SHORT" ) ) Action = "SHORT";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Cover", "COVER" ) ) Action = "COVER";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Reverse to Long", "REVLONG" ) ) Action = "REVLONG";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Reverse to Short", "REVSHORT" ) ) Action = "REVSHORT";
if ( ParamTrigger( "Delete Signal Compoiste", "DELETE" ) ) DeleteComposite( Ticker + "~SignalArrays" );
AddTradeToComposite( Ticker, Action, LastValue( Close ) );

RequestTimedRefresh( 0.1 );
if ( SetForeign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays" ) )
SignalArray = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "V", False ) );
Buy = IIf( SignalArray & 1, 1, 0 );
Sell = IIf( SignalArray & 2, 1, 0 );
Short = IIf( SignalArray & 4, 1, 0 );
Cover = IIf( SignalArray & 8, 1, 0 );

BuyPrice = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "O" ) );
SellPrice = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "H" ) );
ShortPrice = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "L" ) );
CoverPrice = Nz( Foreign( Ticker + "~SignalArrays", "C" ) );

PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ), 5, 0, BuyPrice, 0 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ), 4, 0, SellPrice, 0 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeHollowDownTriangle, shapeNone ), 4, 0, ShortPrice, 0 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Cover, shapeHollowUpTriangle, shapeNone ), 5, 0, CoverPrice, 0 );


Plot( C, "", 1, 128 );