I agree with Levll, backtesting can be very useful, but only if used correctly and with caution.
Over-optimisation during backtesting flatters the performance of the system and results obtained in this way should be viewed with caution. The same applies to selectivity. If the backtest suggests that one particular share performs well out of a hundred tested it may be that the strategy just happened to fit the characteristics of that share over the time period.
To improve validity it is advisable to
1) keep the strategy simple (use no more than a few variables),
2) look for consistently good performance across a large range of instruments
3) perform sensitivity checks, that is change the variables slightly and see if the profits respond gradually or erratically, the latter suggests the system is over-fitted
4) look at results over discrete time periods, if these are consistent then this adds weight to the validity of the method
5) Don't optimise using all the data, use part of the data to optimise then apply the optimised values to the remaining data to determine the true performance
6) Test the method using forward data in real time before committing money to it. (4, 5 and 6 are in fact very similar, but 6 allows you to test the practicalities)
7) As Levll implies, strategies which are based on sound deductive arguments add weight to the validity of the inductive method of backtesting
These are just the technical factors, you can underestimate the psychological pressure of using any strategy.
Most traders back-test in some form. After all their own performance/ experience is a crude back-test (if they bother to analyse it). You have to start somewhere and it is a bit stupid to commit money to the market without any evidence the strategy works. Back-testing provides some evidence if conducted in the right way, but it is not everything.