B.N.F Jap Super Day Trader, looking for someone to translate his website


Junior member
Looking for someone who can read japanese to translate his website:


I would like to find out how he engage in his trading, what strategies and method does he use...

Takashi Kotegawa (aka BNF / J-Com man), Japan’s most famous day trader:This man(29-years-old) is most famous Japanese individual stock day trader named Takashi Kotegawa, his nickname is “B.N.F”. He has increased his own fund from 1.6 million yen($13,600) to 18 billion yen($153 million) for 8 year or so...

Takashi Kotegawa (BNF) – Super Day Trader | Japan Probe

Any one able to help???
I really want more info on this guy, his strategy, bio, everything. I've tried google but the results were really poor.. Anyone got any info on this guy ?
Sorry I have just realised that I have put up an incorrect link, here's the right link to his website:


Using an online translator on his trading approach gives the following:

B N F trade approach

After the IT bubble collapsed in 2000, the Nikkei index plummeted steadily follows.

But short-term trading began in 2001 to 10 BNF's cash only, just 160 million yen a year and a half billion more in a later築KI上GEMASU the assets of 150 billion yen.

What he is one of the assets increased by using any method.

The key to solving the mystery, he and his magazine, the Channel 2 threads and I told him a lot.

According to the 2001 to 2003 bear market was 8 percent on the contrary, in a bull market since the year 2003 and not-covered by the eight percent.

B N F張RI手method reverse (2001 to 2003 bear market)
In this reverse張RI手, BNF is using his "25-day moving average rate of divergence."
BNF's approach, buying stocks that deviates significantly negative at the rate of divergence, the divergence rate of 0% while the shares have rebounded to go to the regression (BNF says his 30 percent share of divergence 15 % success contrary to the divergence sufficient shrinkage), and a sell at the two night swing trade (and sell in two nights and three days long) is called. BNF is now the law in reverse張RI手say the market's down.

Below, B N F is a measure of the rate of divergence with his.

"The short-term swing trading techniques Conference Day 2" thread

Sectors Rate of divergence
Services 22% to 30% or more
Bank 20% to 30% or more
Of the OTC non-IT related
Group listed stocks after the bubble burst 22% to 32% or more
IT-related over-the-counter 25% to 45% or more
Mothers group of stocks 28% to 60% or more

B N F says he then had a 30 percent plunge in the Nikkei average number of shares over which divergence, but it was more than 60%.
"Clarion (6796)" "住友重機(6302)" and is earned at the BNF is a big part of his stock.

2001 - 2002 and the daily chart,
25-day moving average.

BNF's to say,
On the large gap between the moving average,
You have to rebound.

But naturally, but a measure of the rate of divergence, and the flow rate at the time, you can change the地合.

The rate of this divergence, B N F, say the following.

This rate of divergence, in 1999, 00 stocks soared in many years,
Further 01 with the assumption of a severe bear market, the market is not a strong sense of it.

Even when prices come down hard sometime.
Down to the next is not hard and divergence of sector and stock up on
I would also change the settings at the rate of divergence.

After all,地合identify important at the time, but contrary to a just rate of divergence is just as bad.

Incidentally, the 2006 Release "NET M @ NEY 7 issue of" B N F at the interview he said his rate of divergence is 01 years and it was very different.

"NET M @ NEY" in, B N F measure of the rate of divergence is as he said.

Sectors Rate of divergence
Tech 10% to 15% or more
Electrical 10% to 15% or more
Chemistry 7% to 10% or more
Food 7% to 10% or more
Chemicals 5% to 10% or more
Securities 5% to 10% or more

[See thread]

The short-term swing trading techniques Conference Day 2
The short-term swing trading techniques Conference Day 3
The Kamikaze 2 wave - (thread extraordinary shareholders preferential Part2)

B N F張RI手by Law (2003 - after the bull market)

CIRCUS 2006 excerpt from an article from 2004 issue

1. Monitoring the exchange rate

Says Mr. B N F,

"The futures market for the work prior to the movement of the Nikkei average, very high value."

"Buy the shares with the key to high Nikkei futures jumped After, After selling down."

"If anything, the forward movement of the moment, it is a game you can react much quicker."

"When you order a scene, moving the hand without thinking. I'm not a reflex."

2. Read the mood of the market, "with older high stocks," aiming to

Keep a lid on stocks by sector groups linked stocks.

(Eg) steel stocks: Sumitomo Metal, Nippon Steel, Kobe Steel, JFE
Shipbuilding stocks: Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ishikawa Harima, Kawasaki, heavy Sasebo, Hitachi Zosen

The BNF says,

"The moment you identify with older high, the price of many companies at one day, and not learned."

"Speed to market will continue to monitor the 600-700 to register the stock price always"

"600-700 and keep the shares, including the value back down off the high-tech, the Nikkei rose Then the man started receiving騰steel also has a strong market, find an image that instantly. "

The left, BNF gave his
Shares to the shipbuilding with older high
3-day daily chart.

BNF as he says,
I know that it was linked to moves beautifully.
hey man, just new to the thread,

Do you know what he means by '25 day moving average rate of divergence" ? is that MACD?

thanks heaps,
tis is really interesting, I hope someone in here who speaks Japanese can help us out
hey man, just new to the thread,

Do you know what he means by '25 day moving average rate of divergence" ? is that MACD?

thanks heaps,

he uses the 25 day simple moving average and looks at how far the current price has diverged from it. he swing trades and utilizes a mean reversion approach. there were several tv programs in japan that featured him and last count he was up to over $200mm (20bn JPY) and had purchased a commercial real estate building next to the akihabara train station (prime real estate location) because he wanted to diversify and it was getting difficult to trade such large amount. you can see one of the interviews on youtube:


the brokerage application that he uses is called "market speed" from rakuten securities. in other interviews he talks about how he has days where he wins and loses millions and how stressful it gets. he even bought about $7mm of lehman before it collapsed. he tries not to look at large amounts of cash and is not trading to make money but rather to win (kind of like jesse livermore). he eats noodles for lunch because it's quick and doesn't make him too full and sleepy during the afternoon session. he started to get noticed after the jcom incident where he ended up making about $20mm in about 16 minutes. you can read more about this on wikipedia:


not a complete translation and obviously, there is a lot more to these interviews. but another interesting thing that he does mention is that his winnings are not as a result of him utilizing some special trading strategy, but he attributed his success to the rapid rise in the nikkei and the deregulation in japan that allowed for internet based low commission securities trading. but he must be doing something right to be $200mm+ after 8 years or so...
In short he has made money in a long rally of the Nikkei. Who didnt? Sheesh it pulled up from 7 odd to 12odd.
His real value will be in whether he can continue making money now.
His real value will be in whether he can continue making money now.

Um? No? I hear people say this sh*te all the time, "Well he/she is only good if they keep making money."

His "real value" is more than anyone here...153m to be precise (probably more now).
So he has nothing to prove. At a certain point you must retire anyways. I will retire when my account is on a very, very goodnote. After all, the game is Zero-Sum Gain...Bob takes from Sue, Sue takes from Rob, Rob takes from BNF...BNF takes from all :D lol no new money is "created" only taken and lost to others.

He can just retire, or chose to make 1% a year on his money or less, and live off that. Lock it up in a savings account, live off interest. Lock part into massive CD.
Put into Mutuals...

because you can't just scale 150m into a "scalp" trade! LOL