Ok, anytime.
Allow me to explain to them what you mean, just a simple outline.
People nowadays are encouraged NOT to take responsibility for their own actions and instead encouraged to BLAME OTHER PEOPLE and THINGS for their own shortcomings and ineptitudes.
As a result of this, this generation and generations to follow are being dumbed down, and the result is very nearly everyone being treated as if they were children, without realising they are the architects of their own misfortunes, that include more invasiveness, more regulation, more "laws", more interfering, more intrusion, more nanny state ediction, less freedom,. less personal and collective responsibility, and hence much lower integrity levels. The result of this is lower levels of individual and collective awareness.
Without awareness there cannot be initiative, resolve, decisiveness, choice, integrity, or in the end analysis,and, eventually and ultimately, freedom of any sort.
If you are a thinker rather than a daydreamer, you will shudder, and if not, not.
The trouble is, that everyone has to suffer the effects of this dereliction in one way or another.