The minimum order size for the first trade in a company listed on the ASX is $500.
How does the minimum trade size of $500 get enforced when a partial fill is received and the order is subsequently canceled (ie because the trading day ends)?
Does the order get bounced (reversed) or is it submitted at market by your broker in order to fill the $500 minimum trade size requirement? Or, is it possible to purchase less than $500 worth of shares with a partial fill, so long as your order is greater than the $500 minimum?
How does the minimum trade size of $500 get enforced when a partial fill is received and the order is subsequently canceled (ie because the trading day ends)?
Does the order get bounced (reversed) or is it submitted at market by your broker in order to fill the $500 minimum trade size requirement? Or, is it possible to purchase less than $500 worth of shares with a partial fill, so long as your order is greater than the $500 minimum?