skill trading V/s time trading:most of us loose money in the commodity market,as just after few days of trading we think, we are skilled traders,but to become a skilled trader,is a very long and pain full process,initially we all loose money and it take THREE years before we become skilled trader,by that time we loose heart & most of us leave the market considering it gambling, but we must under trading is not is a pure white coller job,it is a game of mind,please give this game desired time which it required.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME TRADING:till we are not skilled trader,try to do time trading,first step is dont try to trade the market on intra day basis,it require high leval of skill which you do not pocess so far,just try to recognize the long term trend,now buy it ,give end of day stoploss, hold it for a long time,give it time may be months ,so that during that longer period it can earn for you,dont see its intra day movement,it require less skill leval in this way YOU WILL EARN WHILE YOU LEARN:I am here to help you to decide wheather your eod stop loss is perfect are not,AT PRESENT YOU CAN CATCH---------- SILVER-----SILVER-----SILVER-----SILVER-------SILVER ----LONG----LONG-----LONG-----LONG---LONG WITH 3% STOP LOSS FROM THE ENTRY VALUE & AFTER THAT 3% BELOW FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY HIGH BEST OF LUCK. PLEASE GIVE YOUR VIEWS TO ENCOURAGE ME & DONT HESITATE TO ASK ME IF YOU ARE CAUGHT SOME WHERE IN COMMODITY