Are there Forex brokers with unlimited demo practice accounts?


Junior member
Iron FX offers unlimited demo and so does Plus 500.

Are there any other brokers with the same offer?
As far as my knowledge is concerned most of the brokers offer unlimited demo accounts for practicing. But try to make sure that you are using the demo accounts in the right way so that you are not stuck up with demo only.
Hotforex is also offering demo account and I have traded for a long-time, but some got burned. Not sure are they expired or not. Just try.
So far I have not seen a broker that is offering limited demo account practice. I might be trading in small brokers but they are giving lifetime demo account at least which makes them better than those who impose limits.
Please don't spend too much time for demo account, if you're good enough to trade for profit, go live.
Its difficult to know when you are good enough for profit because you don't actually trade on a demo platform.

Yeah, I know it's hard to know when you grow up enough to trade live. But if you're not a slow guy, I think 3-6 months working hard are enough for going to trade live account.

I one guy told me he spent 1 year or greater for demo account. I think he hasn't spent time for demo account.
there are small differences between demo and live, its good to start demo with small amounts, estimated amounts of the actual money you wat to trade, but then when you go live for the first time, keep it low to test the waters, hhey just open a couple of demos with different brokers, good luck
Yeah, I know it's hard to know when you grow up enough to trade live. But if you're not a slow guy, I think 3-6 months working hard are enough for going to trade live account.

I one guy told me he spent 1 year or greater for demo account. I think he hasn't spent time for demo account.

I'd certainly agree that there is no need to rush into a live trading account. I'd rather waste a bit of time than blow my savings.