Anyone with "eminitradingschool" experience?



Hi all, glad to have found this forum! Was wondering if anybody has any experience w/the eminitradingschool? I've been in their rooms for the 3 day trial period, which seems to be okay, but although they don't seem to be executing live trades, they are calling the market with some degree of accuracy so I'm not quite sure what to make of them. Anybody here buy their course or have any experience w/ them? Thanks in advance. Looking forward to learning from this group.
There are a million of these things out there, I looked at their website and they do not publish their trading account. That leads me to believe that either they dont trade at all or they are not profitable. That would put them in the same boat as every other room/software or system being peddled. In other words a waste of time and money.
There are a million of these things out there, I looked at their website and they do not publish their trading account. That leads me to believe that either they dont trade at all or they are not profitable. That would put them in the same boat as every other room/software or system being peddled. In other words a waste of time and money.

Thanks for the response and info Pboyle! So, are there any reputable courses that you have good experience with, or that you can point to for reference?

It's frightening how many of these scam types of places there are on the net, and I've seen a few that are suspect, even to a beginner like me. Thanks for the tip. Look forward to learning more.
Thanks for the response and info Pboyle! So, are there any reputable courses that you have good experience with, or that you can point to for reference?

It's frightening how many of these scam types of places there are on the net, and I've seen a few that are suspect, even to a beginner like me. Thanks for the tip. Look forward to learning more.

As far as I can see all these weekend or short term courses are a waste of money.

The only thing I can suggest to get you going is to look at the James16 chart thread on or his own website. If you have the time and money going into a prop trading program may be a good option but its full time. I think Marex have a program and a couple of others as well. At least these are real traders and not 'trainers'.

As they say those who can, do. Those who cant, teach.
learn abit on stop positioning but its not highly accurate as wad they claim...stay for e free session else find another better place to learn.