Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Its 'starting' to unravel.

"The result was not only the earlier announcement that the NY Fed would inject over $500 billion in liquidity over the next month to avoid said repo crisis, which as we calculated would blow out the Fed's above $4.5 trillion to a new all time high... "

This is not the end, but it might just be the beginning of the end ...
Oh My! 2 never ending stories are ending on the same day. Looks like BREXIT is bigger exciter... Good on you Johnson! About time someme with balls led the UK.
actually, a double top because they got the alltime high in AF's, and tried it again about 1/2 hr after the regular hr open.

thats where it sold offf...HARD 300 pts :| first time sold off 200 pts.