Anyone else have this problem??


Junior member
Using IG Index for spread betting and today I have gone in to look at the FTSE 100 Daily spreads and some Daily Binary bets but they have dissapeared not only from my Watchlist but you cannot navigate to them either? they were available up until about 11.00 GMT? (Only FTSE 100 futures available)

I've only been with them a couple of weeks so just wondering if this is normal on the last day of the month (can't see this to be honest)

Anyway i have emailed/left a message on their helpdesk but was wondering if any of you IG Index users have seen this issue before?
OK since this post a few moments ago (and after I emailed their helpdesk) the daily FTSE 100 markets are back.... but only with a yellow phone icon saying "Call to deal" on them all??? No online trading?? Am i the only one with this issue or would it be a global thing (hence posting here to see if anyone else is having this issue)
be careful-their cable price hasn`t moved for 5 mins . Prices seem a bit screwy this morning. You know SB`ers --we won`t expect to get away with it.
Went out about 11.15. Turned off comp.

Just got back in and all currencies from my watchlist have gone and can't get their real time charts up.

This isn't normal though. Been with them for years and this has only happened once before for me.

I came on to see it it was happening to other peeps as well.

Last time I wasted hours by taking the computer back, doing defrags cleaning this that and everything I could think of. Didn't make a blind bit of difference and all was back up a few hours later. All charts had been 'cleaned' though.
I suppose if some people went on a bus that broke down, they'd think the bus co had it in for them personally...