Any correlation between the number of posts a trader makes and his profitability?


Well-known member
Just some food for thought.

I would think that there is some correlation but not much.

Afterall, a very good trader can join a forum and in the beginning he will have very few posts and, conversely, a trader can be a post junkie without being profitable.

From my limited time on forums, it SEEMS like traders with alot of posts have a better knowledge of trading but that doesn't mean that they are more profitable than traders with fewer posts.

Any opinions on whether such a correlation exists?
can some one tell me what on earth is going on with the capital spreads website , all shares , indices etc are showing a current value of 0.0000
more posts= less profit

Based on that and the fact that the current number of members as I post this = 188,824, Then I am losing more money than 188,822 of them as I currently stand as 3rd highest number of post counts on site. Only Firewalker and The Bramble lose more money than I do.

Based on that and the fact that the current number of members as I post this = 188,824, Then I am losing more money than 188,822 of them as I currently stand as 3rd highest number of post counts on site. Only Firewalker and The Bramble lose more money than I do.


well said.
good luck.
Well I have 0.87 posts/day, what can you deduce about my profitability from that?
Just some food for thought.

I would think that there is some correlation but not much.

Afterall, a very good trader can join a forum and in the beginning he will have very few posts and, conversely, a trader can be a post junkie without being profitable.

From my limited time on forums, it SEEMS like traders with alot of posts have a better knowledge of trading but that doesn't mean that they are more profitable than traders with fewer posts.

Any opinions on whether such a correlation exists?

The relationship is between patience and number ofposts a lot of posts are done while waiting for a setup to come about
I am only posting now as I am in a mall while my missus does the dreaded shopping rounds
Here's a more interesting topic .the number of shoes women have and an incontrolable desire to add to the collection .I am suffering here.
Maybe the correlation is in the quality instead of quantity?

Or the correlation lie in the selected topics to open new threads instead?

Oops! sorry! this reasons has been already mentioned. I didn't see it :eek:

Anyway. I think there's no correlation between quantity and profitability.

By the way Gamma, I love girls who loves shoes. Specially high heels.
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I think the highest poster on Trade2win, until very recently, was Chartman with >5000 posts. He stopped posting about 4 years ago. The last i heard he stopped trading, although he may have started again..

Trade2win doesnt have many/any heavy posters, other forums typically have posters with 10s of thousands of posts.
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Based on that and the fact that the current number of members as I post this = 188,824, Then I am losing more money than 188,822 of them as I currently stand as 3rd highest number of post counts on site. Only Firewalker and The Bramble lose more money than I do.


Dunno - is this a trading board or an investment board ?

Presumably you are referring to intra-day traders as EOD trading is not investing and yet only requires adjustment of positions once a day ?

Posters that post during market hours can't be making too much money IMO.

What else do you do whilst waiting for some price action; snipe on e-bay for 'bargains' that bust out of each cupboard/wardrobe in the house? :eek: 5 pairs of unused trainers, 27 designer t-shirts, 5 sweaters, 5 pairs of jeans, 7 pairs of shoes...and doubtless more bargains to be found this week :D

TBH If I was a swing or position trader then I'd have hours and hours of time...