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Las acciones de Alpha Pro Tech tendrán un alto nivel de demanda de equipo de protección

El perfil de oferta y demanda de máscaras faciales aún admite una posición larga en el stock de APT

Por Louis Navellier y el personal de Investor Place Research , Editor, Growth Investor 14 de abril de 2020, 10:38 a.m. EDT

El nuevo coronavirus ha creado nuevas categorías de existencias que eran prácticamente desconocidas antes. Una de estas categorías de nicho podría llamarse "existencias de equipo de protección" o incluso más específicamente, "existencias de mascarillas". Un candidato obvio para este nicho sería la acción Alpha Pro Tech (NYSEMKT: APT ).


Fuente: Pavel Kapysh /

Este stock en particular es un motor real. Pasó de alrededor de $ 3.50 a principios de año a más de $ 25 a fines de febrero. Ahora ha vuelto al nivel de $ 12, pero esa es una oportunidad de tener acciones de APT con descuento.

Mientras tanto, la demanda persistente de máscaras faciales sugiere que un repunte del precio de las acciones puede estar a la vuelta de la esquina.

Un desequilibrio entre oferta y demanda afecta a las acciones de APT

Casi nadie cuestionaría que las mascarillas protectoras son un elemento candente, pero no todos aprecian cuán fuerte es realmente la demanda. Este mes, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) publicaron oficialmente una recomendación de que todas las personas deben usar máscaras faciales cuando están en público.

Por supuesto, la gran demanda de máscaras faciales comenzó antes de que los CDC hicieran esa recomendación. Más de 580,000 estadounidenses han dado positivo por el coronavirus y Johns Hopkins ha reportado más de 23,000 muertes. Sin lugar a dudas, el público tratará de poner sus manos en las mascarillas por casi cualquier medio necesario.

Además, las instituciones médicas necesitan urgentemente máscaras quirúrgicas y mascarillas N95. De hecho, una encuesta realizada por el organismo de control del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE. UU. Reveló que los hospitales de todo Estados Unidos enfrentan retrasos de hasta seis meses. al ordenar máscaras faciales.

Estados Unidos obtiene en gran parte sus máscaras faciales de China. Los datos comerciales más recientes de las Naciones Unidas muestran que en 2018, alrededor de la mitad del suministro global de máscaras faciales, totalizando $ 11.7 mil millones , provino de China.

Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, el suministro de máscaras faciales de China está disminuyendo drásticamente. Increíblemente, las importaciones estadounidenses de máscaras protectoras de China disminuyeron un 20% en febrero de 2020 en comparación con el mismo mes del año pasado. Esto representa el nivel más bajo de importaciones de China a EE. UU. De estas mascarillas en febrero desde 2015.

Una pequeña empresa asume una gran responsabilidad

Hay un par de factores principales que explican por qué Estados Unidos no puede contar con China para suministrar tantas máscaras faciales protectoras como necesita en este momento. El primer factor es que China ha impuesto restricciones a la exportación en sus máscaras faciales. Esto se hizo para que China pueda proporcionar estas máscaras a sus propios residentes e instituciones médicas.

El otro factor es que gran parte de la economía de China está cerrada debido a la propagación del coronavirus. Este cierre en la actividad incluye algunas de las plantas de fabricación en China que anteriormente habían suministrado máscaras protectoras.

Afortunadamente, hay una pequeña empresa que está lista y es capaz de avanzar. Alpha Pro Tech actualmente está aumentando la producción de sus máscaras faciales protectoras. A fines del verano, la compañía proyecta que se realizará una expansión de "fase 2".



Como era de esperar, Alpha Pro Tech ha visto una serie de pedidos de máscaras faciales recientemente. La compañía informó que entre enero y abril, Alpha Pro Tech reservó pedidos por valor de aproximadamente $ 36.7 millones para sus máscaras faciales N95.

Además, Alpha Pro Tech ha experimentado un fuerte aumento en los pedidos entrantes para sus productos de careta. Hace un año, llegaron pedidos por solo $ 1.6 millones para los protectores faciales de la compañía. Este año, es de hasta $ 11.6 millones. Además, Alpha Pro Tech informa una fuerte demanda de batas de laboratorio, batas, gorros y cubiertas de zapatos.

Mi última palabra sobre las acciones de APT

A veces, un desequilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda puede crear oportunidades raras. En este caso, el desequilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda de mascarillas protectoras debería beneficiar a las existencias de APT.

Cualquier persona que duda puede simplemente examinar los datos, ya que el mercado de los equipos de protección necesita desesperadamente una compañía como Alpha Pro Tech para llenar el vacío.
Coronavirus-Driven Behavioral Shift Could Bolster Alpha Pro Tech Stock
We’re looking at PPEs differently now, which supports the buy case for APT stock
By Josh Enomoto, InvestorPlace Contributor Apr 16, 2020, 5:01 am EDT
Alpha Pro Tech: Face Mask Policies Drive Strong Demand For Its Disposable Protective Apparel
Apr. 20, 2020 1:41 PM ETAlpha Pro Tech, Ltd. (APT)12 Comments
  • An increasing number of countries, states and businesses are requiring the wearing of face masks or cloth coverings when going out.
  • The number of new coronavirus cases daily in the US continues to average 25,000 to 30,000, and worldwide, around 80,000.
  • I have examined the income statements of Alpha Pro Tech from 2008 and 2009, which benefitted from the unfortunate H1N1 pandemic. At that time, Infection Control product sales rose impressively.
Since my initial article on Alpha Pro Tech (APT), the tragic coronavirus pandemic continues to play out as I forecast. While the number of new daily cases peaked in the US (and worldwide) in early April, the downslope has been very gradual. This can be correlated to an increase in testing, which has been averaging about 150,000 per day.
The administration recently announced a three-phase program to reopen the economy. States must first demonstrate a downward trajectory of documented cases or of the percentage of positive tests within a 14-day period, as well as having hospital preparedness, in order to enter the first phase. Restaurants, theaters, gyms and large sporting venues would be allowed to reopen under certain conditions. I maintain that the testing volume is currently not sufficient for this to occur except in a few sparsely populated states or counties with low new case volumes. I also believe that this action will necessitate greater mask usage as people go outside, and so I view this as a positive driver for Alpha Pro Tech's business. Furthermore, I note that face masks or coverings are being required in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dallas, Los Angeles and Miami, and I expect this list to grow. I unfortunately expect this "new normal" social existence to be with us, in part, until a vaccine is available.

When I initially forecast Alpha Pro Tech's earnings per share for 2020, I examined income statements from the past ten years and I made assumptions regarding product mix. Recently, I reviewed the income statements from 2008 and 2009, which are more relevant in that they reflect the growth in infection control product sales due to the H1N1 pandemic. In 2008, Alpha Pro Tech achieved revenues of $35.8 million, and the gross profit margin was 43.2%. Disposable Protective Apparel accounted for 56% of revenues, Infection Control, the highest margin, 21% and Building Supply, 23%. In 2009, revenues increased to $59.7 million, and the segmental contribution was Disposable Protective Apparel 38%, Infection Control 36% and Building Supply 26%.
The gross profit margin was 48.4%. For comparison, in 2010, after the pandemic had subsided, sales decreased to $41.9 million, and Infection Control represented only 14.5% of the total. The gross profit margin declined to 39.2%. Similarly, in 2019, corporate revenues were $46.7 million, and infection control products (a part of Disposable Product Apparel) were an estimated $4.6 million, or 9.9% of the total. The gross profit margin was 36.4%.
For 2020, I am forecasting Alpha Pro Tech's revenues to increase to a range of $82-92 million, and recent developments, including the relaxation of restrictions, suggest to me that the higher end is more likely. My revenue breakdown is Building Supply, $21 million (I have no insight into this segment), and Disposable Protective Apparel, $69 million. Of the latter, I estimate face mask and face shield revenues to approximate $49 million, or 54% of the total. This is significantly higher, as a percentage, than in 2009, when the overall gross profit margin was 48.4%. Furthermore, the lowest margin segment, Building Supply, should only account for 23% of revenues.
Using the same gross profit margin as in 2009 of 48.4% implies EPS of $1.75. Adjusting for the forecast more favorable product mix implies EPS of $1.90. For 2021, I do not expect a significant reduction in business in Disposable Protective Apparel, given the established (and growing) backlog and the increasing requirement for masks as the economy continues to reopen. The greater cash flow should allow management the financial flexibility to continue its historical pattern of share repurchases. In 2010, there were 22.6 million shares outstanding, and this declined to 18.2 million in 2015, 14.9 million in 2016 and 13.2 million currently.

The Top Reason Alpha Pro Tech Is a Strong Buy
With face mask demand outweighing supply, stocks like APT could rocket higher
By Ian Cooper Apr 28, 2020, 6:02 am EDT
Alpha Pro Tech (NYSE:APT) has become one of the top face mask stocks to own.
APT Stock: The Top Reason Alpha Pro Tech Is a Strong Buy
Source: Pavel Kapysh /
After all, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advising that everyone should wear a face mask in public, they’ve become a hot commodity. In fact, “under the new recommendation, healthy people are advised to wear mouth and nose face coverings — including homemade masks, scarves or bandanas — when they go to a public area, such as the grocery store or a pharmacy,” reports Live Science contributor Laura Geggel.
There’s just one problem. There’s been a severe shortage. The U.S. needs 300 million respirators and face masks. However, according to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, the U.S. only had 30 million masks available. Even 3M (NYSE:MMM) CEO Mike Roman noted, “The demand we have exceeds our production capacity.”
Helping with supply issues, APT stock is just beginning to show signs of life. In fact, with the coronavirus still making life “fun,” we’ll need many more masks. That being the case, I wouldn’t be shocked to see APT stock at $20 soon.
Demand Will Far Outweigh Supply for Quite Some Time
The coronavirus story is only getting worse.
At the moment, more than 3 million people have been infected and more than 211,000 have already died around the world. In the U.S. alone, there are 1 million cases and 56,000 deaths.
Schools and businesses have closed down. Stay-at-home orders have been issued in several states. Hospitals and essential staff are being overwhelmed with patients. In some states, you can’t step inside a food store without a mask on, increasing the need for more.
APT Has Seen a Jump in Orders
That’s why Alpha Pro Tech continues to see a steady stream of big orders.
The company says from Feb. 27 to March 11, it booked a 60% increase in orders for its N-95 particulate respirator face mask, giving the company an additional $8.5 million in revenue. Then from March 11 to April 7, APT saw another 62% increase in orders, an increase of another $14.1 million. In all, the company booked about $36.7 million in orders for its face masks since Jan. 27.
In comparison, the company’s average annual sales of N-95 face masks over the last three years was $1.6 million.
“APT has seen exponential increases not only in near-term demand, but also in longer-term ongoing purchase orders that have request dates that extend beyond the third quarter of 2020 and into the first half of 2021,” the company said in a statement.

Demand of face masks, sanitizers & hand gloves see quantum jump
Date :18-May-2020
