Is anyone having problems with Alpari?
Over the past week or so, it has been resource-hungry.
I have switched it off, and all is ok. Switch it on, it makes everything esle run poorly.
I have ensured I download it from as reputable a source as possible, but cant help feel its doing stuff in the background it ought not.
Prefer to stick to Alpari.
Actually, I also run WHC MT-4 for my indices. However, the problem cant be because I have two MT-4s running, as I have tried ODL and dont get same probs. (ie, I can run two or more MT-4s simultaneously)
the problem isnt lack of memory before you suggest that. It is specifically Alpari.
does it process ALL .ex4 files perhaps?
Only recent differences is that I have been testing my EAs, but I ensure to swtich them off when not needed, and even clear the directories of executables in case they were being run inadvertantly.