I've found with most books on trading that I learn a few "nuggets" from each book I read and end up disregarding a lot of what is said.
I have read CIMTR and thought it was a good practical book overall. I too learned most from the psychological parts of the book, but the actual trade set up's etc did nothing for me. That doesn't make it a bad book, just that it's not really the type of trading set up's that I look for.
If I get a "nugget" or two from each book I read, then I consider it a worthwile purchase.
The most recent book I bought was trading in the zone by Mark Douglas which for the most part was very heavy going, and seemed to repeat the same thing over and over. However, the nuggets (and several of them for me) were all in the last couple of chapters.
Don't expect too much from books as there are many ways of trading, and one persons methods may be no good for you individually. You will find that you don't agree with much of what is written. My take on this is read as many books as you can, learn a little from each one and apply it to your own strategy, that is within your own comfort zones etc, whether a beginner trying to put a strategy together, or experienced looking to make improvements.
Read as much as you can, learn from it, apply the "nuggets" to your own trading.