

have been rather succesfull lately with my trading and live in Canada. I trade both Canadian and American exchanges. Most of my American lately has been penny scalping and doing very well at it on the pinks and otc.
I currently only trade part time, but want to trade much more in the near future. I currently use Questrade retail for my penny's, but find their execution times VERY slow, and since it trade very frequently they are expensive.
Anyone have any suggestions for me? I would like to be trading form home, but would like extremely fast execution speed, low low rates, for my pink and otc trading. Someone mentioned prop firms to me, but I am not familiar with them and workings?

Thank you in advance for any advice you may be able to provide.

I'm interested as well!
Just a question, what is a fast execution time and what is slow?


Well, when I have a market order in and it takes close to 10 minutes to execute,this is far far to long on pinks and otc's with their volitile nature. Seconds count and can make the difference between profit and loss in many cases when scalping.

Anyone have any ideas?

First, a question: Are you SURE it is taking that long to execute your trades or is your broker just taking their good old time reporting it to you?

2nd, you have chosen to trade stocks that historically have very low liquidity. If you are trading any type of size it's very difficult to get in and out quickly. I don't know if many prop firms would let you trade pinks, but I'm not an expert on that.

First, a question: Are you SURE it is taking that long to execute your trades or is your broker just taking their good old time reporting it to you?

2nd, you have chosen to trade stocks that historically have very low liquidity. If you are trading any type of size it's very difficult to get in and out quickly. I don't know if many prop firms would let you trade pinks, but I'm not an expert on that.



Unfortunatly yes I am sure they are not executing. Very costly when they decide to take their time. Their routing is extremly slow, and limited.

With other accounts i am able to sell without issue, but then the purchasing becomes an