Advice needed? PSWR, Canon USA, Konica


Advice needed? PSWR, Canon USA, KonicaMinolta
and Panasonic can't all be wrong? Any thoughts? If my thinking is flawed, I have to sell ASAP! I have been wrong before a few times! Read all below and see related company P/R's to company’s doing business with (PSWR)

The below is true and can't be ignored. If we get a decent financial report in the next few months, this will explode. I feel it is worth buying in now when it is still low! But this is only my opinion and we all must decide for ourselves? Like I said above, I could be wrong because nobody will reply to any my posts? Read all enclosed and do you own research?

Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 5:33 PM
To: Company CEO:
Subject: Large Concerned Shareholder?

Can anyone help and offer any feedback regarding this pres release? Canon USA has released this great news P/R for not only Canon but great potential for “Prism Software "!
But now 2 weeks later the company “Prism Software " trading under The stock symbol (PSWR) has not made a supporting statement. Please advice?

Reply Below:
This is our policy that we’ve had in place for many years and we are not inclined to change it at this time. We appreciate our loyal stockholders and anticipate that the majority of them understand both this reasonable policy and that a press release such as these is not likely to materially impact the stock price.
Prism has partnered with select companies, in addition to Canon, in the
print industry to support their proprietary printer platforms. Here are some
press releases by some partners discussing our involvement with them.
Best regards, David Ayres, Prism Software
Office: 949-855-3100 x201 - Cell: 949-306-2794 - [email protected]

About Canon: Press Room > Press Release

Konica Minolta Launches bEST Program to Foster Software Development of Innovative Solutions for Customer Convenience and Workflow Efficiency | Reuters

News details-Measuring Instruments | KONICA MINOLTA

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