In addition to replacing a democratically head of state, the non-elected and undemocratic EU is also planning to take total control of its finaces and budgets.
IMF tells Greece it will lose control of budget in return for bail-out - Telegraph
When will the Greeks wake up to this? They have been sold out by their politicians.
And Portugal and then Spain and Ireland are next in line.
Greece, in my view, has played a double game on the EU. Firstly, they, with their massive borrowing, did nothing to help the EU when the world economic crisis came along. They created the real problem. Now, when Germany has given untold billions of loans, the EU has discovered that Greece is, nowhere near, the only problem. Greece may default and leave the union, but whatever happens, Germany and the EU will never, ever, get that money back. The cheek of it all is that, in addition to letting them have all that money in "loans", they want 4% interest on it!
Democracy and economics do not work. China, I believe, appreciates this more than anyone and they are developing a curious mixture of dictatorship, communism and capitalism to try to resolve their problems.
So you have to decide what you want. Democracy or capitalism. If you want capitalism there are conditions. Borrow too much and the money devalues. Or you can have true democracy. I am an old man, now, and I have not seen that, yet. It, certainly, does not exist in the US. The left wing only know how to spend and borrow. We've had all that, so what is going to be the solution? Libya has got rid of Gadaffi. He was a real brute and so is the Syrian guy, but with what are they going t replace it?
Your fear that Germany wants to take everything over may be true. As long as there is a sense of justice, I can assure you, there is not much different for working people. I lived under Franco for ten years and I am still here! During the subsequent years I have seen my savings devalue. Do you realise that, when I came here I , and my family, could live for a year on what what would not pay a month's rent today?
This is a rant. But I repeat. I am not frightened of German dominance in Europe, I don't think that it will happen and, if it did, would it be worse that US influence on the UK over the last 60 years? Influence, yes. Dominance, no.