52 Week Highs Data


Hi all,

I'm a long time member and reader but a first time poster. I've gained a lot from reading the various posts, the first time essentials and Timsk's Trading Plan Template. I've gotten to the stage where I'm beginning to put together my own plan and just need a little help before testing it.

I hope this is the correct thread. I'm looking for advice on a source of data that will porvide me with the FTSE 250 shares that have exceeded their 52 week high during that day. By exceeding I mean even in an intraday swing rather than just the close. I've found a few sources but none that are particularly user friendly or, I feel, are complete.

Thanks in advance to anyone who offers assistance and good luck/planning to you all in this trading quest.

Hi all,

I'm a long time member and reader but a first time poster. I've gained a lot from reading the various posts, the first time essentials and Timsk's Trading Plan Template. I've gotten to the stage where I'm beginning to put together my own plan and just need a little help before testing it.

I hope this is the correct thread. I'm looking for advice on a source of data that will porvide me with the FTSE 250 shares that have exceeded their 52 week high during that day. By exceeding I mean even in an intraday swing rather than just the close. I've found a few sources but none that are particularly user friendly or, I feel, are complete.

Thanks in advance to anyone who offers assistance and good luck/planning to you all in this trading quest.


try www.advfn.com "toplists" feature