Speculator Academy

Speculator Academy

When I sat down to write the first draft of the book Futures for Small Speculators in 2000 my goal was to help investors save themselves from the $7 trillion dollar loss of the dotcom bubble burst, by getting involved in the beginnings of the commodity bull market.

Eight years later we have seen Oil break $100/barrel, Gold reach 25 year highs, and grains, such as wheat, corn, and rice,become frighteningly in demand across the world.

With the release of my sixth book, Trade Like a Pro, in March 2009, and our educational seminar and mentorship courses we have taken the company in an entirely new direction. We have taken a more aggressive stance in making sure that day and position traders alike will be able to navigate the rough waters ahead. With more interest in these markets comes more volatility, with more volatility comes more risk. If you are not capable of managing your risk and choosing the best opportunities for both your capital and your lifestyle you will find yourself in a world of pain.

Our strategies and techniques are grounded in fundamental trading truths so whether you trade stocks, options, futures, forex or CFDs, we can help you become a more profitable trader.

At Speculator Academy we merge education with speculation together to breed success. The techniques we used eight years ago are still relevant today. Enjoy the free information on our website to learn the basics, read our past articles, and free newsletters become familiar with our strategies and learn how we predicted the moves in Oil, Gold, Corn, Currency collapse, and the mortgage crisis. When you are ready to make money and learn how to make the same predictions for yourself, sign up for one of our courses and seminars.

This fact holds true, the less of your trading decisions you leave up to chance, the more secure you. So why leave your trading education to chance? I know I wouldn't!

Good fortune and good luck in all of your investing and trading endeavors.

Noble DraKoln
Speculator Academy
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