Recent content by virtuos0

  1. virtuos0

    2 things, who stole my nuggets and get in there Virtuoso is back...

    The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind. I went back to school. I've been doing my masters in finance/economics. I don't need it for a job (God forbid that I ever have to work for anyone again) but just did it for my own amusement. I see that this place is still knee-deep in snake...
  2. virtuos0

    2 things, who stole my nuggets and get in there Virtuoso is back...

    From henceforth, this day will be known as Virtuos0 day, and I declare a national holiday! Lucky for you lot on this forum that you will be the first ones to know know about it, but spare a thought for all those pricks still going to work today, they don't have a clue! Remember in Lord of the...
  3. virtuos0

    How to make 100%

    Why the hostility? I just happen to know a bloke called Liam that drives a Capri, thought it might have been you. Jesus.
  4. virtuos0

    How to make 100%

    Is your name seriously Liam? Do you drive a Capri?
  5. virtuos0

    Grid trading: Does it work?

    I don't remember what grid trading is, and can't be arsed to Google it, therefore I conclude that it does not work. If anyone wants any further clarification, I am quite willing not to give it.
  6. virtuos0

    Best Thread Support & Resistance Explained

    re: Support & Resistance Explained Imagine you buy a Twix for 50p, then next week you see that the Twix in the same shop has fallen to 45p! Total bargain! So you buy one. The week after you go back in the shop and they are back up to 50p, you're a little pissed off, but you figure that you've...
  7. virtuos0

    How to make 100%

    This thread is 100% b0llocks
  8. virtuos0

    Could the Weimar Hyperinflation Happen Again in America?

    Of course ultimately a true HYPERinflation can only really be caused by a complete loss of confidence in the currency causing a popualtion to attempt to shift entirely into 'real' assets. Or in other words a drop in the demand for money (hoarding) to zero or almost zero, causing the price of...
  9. virtuos0

    Could the Weimar Hyperinflation Happen Again in America?

    Governments are not helpless when it comes to the choice between deflation and inflation. Post Lehman the UK and US have chosen to avoid deflation via fiscal policy (reducing the rate of VAT in the UK, cash for clunkers) and via monetary policy (QE and lower interest rates), what they have tried...
  10. virtuos0

    Could the Weimar Hyperinflation Happen Again in America?

    The whole premise of the thread makes no sense, monetary and fiscal policy allows the choice between the two paths of inflation and deflation. So COULD it happen? Yes of course. The real question is, which of the two paths of inflation and deflation allow for the government to maintain power...
  11. virtuos0

    Do you play the lottery ? Is this any reflection on your trading ?

    I think you misrepresent utility theory by associating it with the word value. It should be expressed like this: man A has £1 in his pocket, he has numerous choices including for example 1) Keeping it in his pocket 2) Putting it into a savings account in a bank 3) Spending it on a chocolate bar...
  12. virtuos0

    Can you guys clear up some some confusion?

    Absolutely, the more debt the less options. Of course the only real option (and only option that has been completely ignored) is to let the necessary deflation just happen. Of course that will cause economic devastation, but considering that that economic devastation is inevitable at some point...
  13. virtuos0

    Can you guys clear up some some confusion?

    Regrading e) I think you'll find that interest rates have nowhere to go but to stay the same.. circa Japan. Many countries have certainly reached that tipping point. From looking at countries that have chosen to raise rates ie Australia, their recent hold of rates probably indicates that they...
  14. virtuos0

    Can you guys clear up some some confusion?

    Apologies, now that I reread your post with a little more care I see you were making the opposite point to the one I thought you were!
  15. virtuos0

    Can you guys clear up some some confusion?

    You are only looking at one side of the equation when it comes to money supply and inflation, you need to look at corporate and household debt. What has happened in Japan, and the reason why the government cannot induce inflation, is because they are being offset by the falling household debt as...