Recent content by tokyojoe

  1. tokyojoe

    How long did it take for you to become profitable ?

    Just keep your day job or start a tangible business......... Consistent my arse !!!!..... Muppets & mugs think they are consistent ... Consistently wasting their life thinking they can join the very few who genuinely make a decent living trading !! If you are giving up years of your life on...
  2. tokyojoe

    Charts, charts and more charts

    Inzimam…. Serious question… I’ve had a little scuttle through T2W… you’ve been around a while now .. you’re still coming across as a novice ! Dentist …… mate ! What the actual f@ck man ???? Are you a paid staff member of T2W earning dolla to some how keep newbies interested, or are you being...
  3. tokyojoe

    Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

    Hello Madharde, they’re not playing tricks with retail traders… retail traders do not register on their radar. I’ve not been on this thread for a very very long time, so I’ve no idea who’s who or what’s what…. The only way to make money in this game is to follow the coat tails of the commercial...
  4. tokyojoe

    Charts, charts and more charts

    Fruit full of pips…. Sounds like you’ve been gorging on your Ill gotten gains if there’s only pips left in the bowl :) Not been on the forum for as long as I can remember… I’ll take a look about, hope it’s working out mate 👍
  5. tokyojoe

    Charts, charts and more charts

    Hello Dentist (like the new name) & Inzimam… hope the markets are bearing fruit 😊
  6. tokyojoe

    Charts, charts and more charts

    Dax Sunday 28th Nov after market gap now closed, smart money is playing the 15\16000..... No reason to change tact until proven wrong !
  7. tokyojoe

    Trading with point and figure

    Morning Canta, keeping well thanks 🙏.... still solvent, hope you are all keeping well 👍
  8. tokyojoe

    What's the hardest thing to do?

    hiya Tom welcome to the 99% club :))
  9. tokyojoe

    Do YOU have a dream ?

    This will bring you into reality Pat ol bean..... don’t know if you heard about the dumb arse who got the sack for stealing sandwiches from the staff canteen.... well he’s out on his arse (I know him, he’s going to sue them for future loss of earnings .... erm good luck with that)..... then I’m...
  10. tokyojoe

    Where is Everyone?

    The old format was sooooooo much fun when the likes of yourself & Darktone were about... we had a really golden period of time where we could have fun & have intelligent interaction while taking the p1ss .... haven’t bothered with T2W for the longest time. Hope all doing well :)
  11. tokyojoe

    Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. Now 27 years old.

    Wanbu I know a trader who lost his company over 1 million spondoolies yesterday.... Italian trader who was given free reign due to his track PNL record..... this game is not for for people who can’t afford to lose.... He’s lost his job.... he may as well have stolen some sandwiches from the...
  12. tokyojoe

    Trading with point and figure

    Blimey, good to see Canta,, Inzy still got skin in the game :) Dental floss ?? .... never heard of him :))
  13. tokyojoe

    Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

    don’t know about snooze me later ftse... but.... ...a Possible 12500 hold on the Daxy my ol mucker ;) But ....all red at the mo....prudent to short until the sh1t storm ends ....keep shorting until proven wrong :)
  14. tokyojoe

    Hope Dies Last - 8 years as a day trader

    Good post, semi retired in my forties, but no idea why someone who is healthy would retire completely (unless you're in the banking game, I'd want out of that sh1tstorm asap :))) People who claim to trade their own capital full time making a DECENT living wage...are...well, deluded ...
  15. tokyojoe

    What are you listening to now?
