Recent content by stevevan

  1. S

    Trading related events/seminars for an Aussie?

    Thanks for the reply bonsai! Have checked those options out on the net. Yes I guess tourisity things are good but also events that would allow me to meet with UK traders would be good. I see it as a mutual learning opportunity. I also see T2W run some seminars etc so might check them...
  2. S

    Traders meet-up (central London)

    I'm a trader from Australia. If you have another one in April/May - I'd love to come along as I'll be in London various dates in those months. Hope you have a good get together. I'm part of a couple of traders groups that meet here. Always find the meetings energising and enjoyable and...
  3. S

    Trading related events/seminars for an Aussie?

    Hi everyone, My first post here. Trust all things are well in the UK traders worlds! I trade small cap stocks for a living in Australia *(4 years basically full time and so far so good). I'm going to the London and surrounds then Ireland for about a 6 weeks from mid April as my wife is a...