Recent content by Mike Parnos

  1. Mike Parnos

    Options Volatility is a Part of Life – Deal with it!

    How does volatility affect Options trading and is it a good or bad thing? A little violence is one's life can be very exciting, and profitable. No, I'm not suggesting you go rob your neighborhood liquor store. I'm talking about your trading life. The violence I'm referring to is the up and down...
  2. Mike Parnos

    Options Real Options Trading – The Adventure Begins

    In this article the author gives an example of how to put together all the information learnt in the past articles Covered Calls - Part 1 and Covered Calls - Part 2. It's time to put it all together - all the stuff you've learned to this point. We're going to go through the process of selecting...
  3. Mike Parnos

    Options Covered Calls – Part 2 – The Final Frontier

    The second part of the article on Covered Call Writing looks at more detail and gives some examples. Everybody screws up. It's human nature. I spent the last article explaining what TO do - and what NOT to do - when using the covered call strategy. Did it sink in? I hope so. Studies have shown...
  4. Mike Parnos

    Options Covered Calls – Part 1

    The first of a two part look at Covered Call Writing. In this first part, we start with the basics. When you embark upon your first adventure into options trading, there are those who will tell you that "covered call writing" is the safest strategy. Even brokerage firms allow novice option...