Recent content by Matthew Jarrell

  1. Matthew Jarrell

    Equities Money Management When and How to Dump Portfolio Losers

    Any investment portfolio is bound to take some lumps in a volatile market place like that experienced by most investors in the last 14 months. During an economic market cycle, market pullbacks and corrections are commonplace and naturally occurring parts of normal market growth. Even so, they...
  2. Matthew Jarrell

    Money Management 5 Basic Things Investors Should Do in 2016

    Most of us would prefer not to relive 2015 it is my guess. Equity markets weren't very friendly with treacherous volatility towards the end of the year. Moving sideways from about June on, markets sneaked slight gains but most investors felt the burn of "nothing to show" for the year. China...
  3. Matthew Jarrell

    Psychology How will the Presidential Election Impact the Markets?

    With the 2016 Presidential election just months away, the question often asked is: "How will the upcoming election affect the financial markets?" It's a fair and understandable question. Elections generate world wide attention in the major economies around the world. There is no exception when...