Recent content by Markin

  1. M

    New tech: ECHO can save 80% energy on ALL LCD/OLED-displays. On TV:s equal to savings of $7,4 bn/year only in the USA and only on TV:s!

    Interesting companies. I have been invested in a very interesting company myself for several years now. Finally a really big breakthrough seems to be near. It’s about a new display-technology in 3D/Holography and the company Realfiction says they have found the ”Holy Grail of Holography” a...
  2. M

    mark2017's Stocks to Watch

    Interesting companies. I have been invested in a very interesting company myself for several years now. Finally a really big breakthrough seems to be near. It’s about a new display-technology in 3D/Holography and the company Realfiction says they have found the ”Holy Grail of Holography” a...
  3. M

    Breakthrough technology ECHO in AR/3D/Holography!

    If this isn’t enough the ECHO-technology also have a energy saving effect on TV:s because it has a completly new way of lighten the pixels on LCD/OLED-TV:s. The ECHO-technology could, if implemented in LCD/OLED-TV:s in the USA, save approx $7,4 bn/year! ” REALFICTION Realfiction’s ECHO...
  4. M

    Breakthrough technology ECHO in AR/3D/Holography!

    ”The Holy Grail” of AR/3D/Holography seems to be found by a danish company named Realfiction, trading at Nasdaq Stockholm Sweden. Directional pixel-displays has several problems, until now when Realfiction seems to have found a remarkable new technology that is now ”patent pending”. I suggest...
  5. M

    mark2017's Stocks to Watch

    ”The Holy Grail” of AR/3D/Holography seems to be found by a danish company named Realfiction, trading at Nasdaq Stockholm Sweden. Directional pixel-displays has several problems, until now when Realfiction seems to have found a remarkable new technology that is now ”patent pending”. I suggest...