Recent content by Lucky_81

  1. L

    Welcome all Short Sterling Traders!!!

    me and my mate jean claude trade it! :-)
  2. L

    Question About the "For Loop"

    it doesnt matter whether you are counting from 1 to 10 or 10 to 1 as you will still be iterating through the loop 10 times.. for(i = 0 - initialises 'i' and sets value to 0 i<limit - while i is less than limit, carry on the loop i++ - add 1 to i after each iteration so..... for (i = 0; i < 10...
  3. L

    Any market makers in Euribor here?

    What half tick sterling decision? Surely LIFFE aren't going to back track are they???
  4. L

    FTSE Rollover

    Trading 2k, thanks for your reply. I am only looking for short term trades at the moment - I am a STIR trader by day, so by nature cant hold a position for longer than a nanosecond :)
  5. L

    FTSE Rollover

    fair enough. Does seem to move around a bit - I think i'll have a dabble. Bring on the FTSE! :eek: Thanks for your response.
  6. L

    FTSE Rollover

    FIFO - I suppose could load the book early and try to nick spread? why 21.5? Chart looks quite whippy CQG showing H50 L6.5 yest?
  7. L

    FTSE Rollover

    Anyone here trade the roll? Care to share some general strategies (apart from buy low sell high :cheesy:)?
  8. L

    Stellar Trading System

    mauzj, I presume your talking about the autospreader again? Surely all autospreaders are going to get legged in markets as volatile as these? I'm still considering th move over to stellar, but to be honest an autospreader is not something that interests me a great deal at present. How are you...
  9. L

    Stellar Trading System

    I was looking at moving to stellar and asked for details on the API and i was told that the API is not publicly available (as it says it is on their website) but you have to work alongside their developers. Not quite what i was looking for but you never know, it could be beneficial..
  10. L

    Box Spreads

    jun 15.5 - 15 sep 8.5 - 9
  11. L

    Box Spreads

    Some of us will trade the boxes but everybody watches them and puts them on if are in trouble - most people will just trade spreads and flys. Jun box is on at interesting level with paper selling -20.5! ;) Played with sterling Dec Dec and Mar Mar this morning, was some good paper battling it...
  12. L

    Box Spreads

    easily do +1 and can do better if you can be bothered, but i'm sitting it our for now and will look to hit fly's on way through or put combo on if i get in trouble elsewhere. At the moment trading v.small size 50's and 25's quite scary watching a 100 lot go tick or 2 offside. What kind of...
  13. L

    Box Spreads

    Thats what i did in the am - sold -30's, double long 25,s worked 19.5's for 0.5 but paid 20. Had to leg my way out after seeing it go +1 bid!! Can do much better than par again today.
  14. L

    Box Spreads

    can do as many as you like this morning. Short some myself! :(
  15. L

    Box Spreads

    was doing same myself, put par's on then +2 yest.