Recent content by lawrence-lugar

  1. lawrence-lugar

    Options Training

    The secret to success in the markets are: there are no shortcuts. You have to stick with it for a really long time, till a light bulb goes off in your head and you experience a certain degree of that Eureka moment :confused: :) Too many people like you exists, no offence,...where they expect...
  2. lawrence-lugar

    Warren Buffet suceeded , 95 % of traders fail

    Patience can be a double-edged sword though...if you are adamant about your position, determined you are may hold onto a loser till it drops and drops significantly :clap: :cry: Just some random food for thought; Like everything in life...there's always a flip side to the coin,
  3. lawrence-lugar

    EliteTrader VS Trade2win

    All overseas, or Non-US, retail traders....seem to only trade Forex/currencies; American traders don't really mess with currencies. We all kind of see it as silly gambling :rolleyes: :whistling We trade primarily stocks and Options -- and some will trade futures. You kind of Have to be a...
  4. lawrence-lugar

    EliteTrader VS Trade2win

    How do you know who is profitable and who is not on trading forums :sly: :-0; Assumptions can always be dangerous. But I do generally agree with the fact that basically 99% of traders are not profitable, or just barely keeping their heads afloat. Like everything in life...only 1% of any given...
  5. lawrence-lugar

    Options trading - WARNING !!

    Everything in the market, is already basically priced its Risk vs Reward; So one thing or another is not necessarily better than another to trade :| :eek: You can make a bundle just trading straight calls and puts options -- but on the flip side of that coin, you can just as...
  6. lawrence-lugar

    EliteTrader VS Trade2win

    International people mainly only trade Forex/currencies -- it's kind of like soccer/football...that's the only thing they watch and are so die hard fanatics of it. :eek::sly: US people are more generally mixed...into stock, options, futures.
  7. lawrence-lugar

    Thank you Trade2Win!!

    ...So are those guys like...really successful traders themselves (making outsized returns) -- or are they just merely getting by or getting standard average, collective market returns :sly::twisted:
  8. lawrence-lugar

    Thank you Trade2Win!!

    You should have posted some photos and made a short Youtube video of your encounter with the people who founded Trade2Win :eek::cheesy:
  9. lawrence-lugar

    i have no money

    No one in their right mind is going to give you money, or a loan, gamble...:clap::thumbsdow
  10. lawrence-lugar

    Watch me kick the markets as@

    Being rich/successful...doesn't mean you have to look and be the part too by drinking and eating expensive food and driving expensive cars. I drink/buy cheap wine too. ;);)
  11. lawrence-lugar

    FAQ How Long Does it Take to Make a Stable Income from Trading?

    Years. Being a successful like obtaining a black belt in karate. :-0:| or a master's or doctorate degree. Any wise, mature, experienced, successful trader will tell you so too. Infact, it's obtain a master's or doctorate degree....then it is to be really, really...
  12. lawrence-lugar

    How desperate are you in your trading?

    Being a wise, emotionally mature trader takes time. :o:cheesy: But once you obtain it, it's a beautiful thing.
  13. lawrence-lugar

    Life before trading

    I had no life before trading. -- then i was hit by the Big Bang :idea::innocent:
  14. lawrence-lugar

    What is trading?

    Trading is a powerful's kind of like gambling, but smart and sophisticated gambling -- if you know what you're doing. :twisted::cry:
  15. lawrence-lugar

    Brexit - in or out

    Just goes to show....Don't gamble...on final outcome of events -- but the trend...whether that trend is on a day's timeframe, or much longer.