Recent content by Killaloth

  1. K

    UK based CFD traders, I need a few minutes from you!

    Hello everyone. I’m writing my MSc dissertation and I need some help from you guys. The dissertation will focus on behavioural finance and I’m looking to interview someone who trades or has traded CFDs (possibly with IG markets, but any CFD provider will be ok). You choose if you prefer to be...
  2. K

    Calculating Beta for commodities and currencies

    Thank you very much for your advice. Regarding the dollar, is this the index I have to take into account? Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index (^USDOLLAR) I have only access to yahoo finance but surprisingly there are no historical prices for ^USDOLLAR, something seems to be wrong, I must have...
  3. K

    Calculating Beta for commodities and currencies

    Hello everyone, I am doing an assignment at uni and I'm required to build a portfolio and calculate the beta of the assets on excel. The beta of a UK stock is of course calculated against the FTSE 100, an US one against the S&P, but what about commodities and currencies? These are my 2...