Recent content by Jasonn

  1. J

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Hello, welcome aboard! Hope to learn from you all! Good Luck Trading!
  2. J

    Short Stocks

    There is a very beautifully written book on short selling "The Art of selling short." I'd suggest you read this book.
  3. J

    How to Become a Forex Trader

    To become a successful trader it is important to have excellent trading skills and in-depth knowledge about forex trading. This can be acquired over time with experience.
  4. J

    Silver - Is a reversal to the upside in the making?

    As the value of silver is dipping, many are taking the advantage of the opportunity to buy it.
  5. J

    how do you cope when a winning position starts going south ??

    In situations like these, it is best to be calm and make decisions logically. If you think there is no option just exit the trade.
  6. J

    Why I hate Forex

    I don't have forex but sometimes I just get frustrated when things don't go as I expected.
  7. J

    Looking for an assistant. I'll pay for help

    I'll pass. Seems fishy. But if you're serious, try Linkedin or other hiring sites. You will have better luck there.
  8. J

    The dream to trade.

    Nobody believes in your dreams other than you. Moreover, you shouldn't expect anything from someone. Keep learning and trading! Your results will speak for your hard work.
  9. J

    5 Things I have learned in 5 years of trading!

    You surely have got a lot of experience to share with new traders. In my experience, I have learnt that you first have to understand the risk and then make a move. If you make a move and then understand the risk, you would have already lost one trade.
  10. J

    Which is the best forex strategy?

    Any strategy can work for you depending on how well you do it. So, practice different strategies until you are sure about the one you wish to use for the long term. And why just one strategy, you can use as many strategies as you wish to use.
  11. J

    Best pair to trade ?

    USDJPY, GBPUSD, and EURUSD are the best pairs for beginners to trade because of the high volume and liquidity.
  12. J

    Is Forex Trading Really Hard?

    It takes time to learn new things. It takes even more time when you have to do them and earn money from them. Sometimes, you may not get what you are learning or practising. Just like everyone can't be a doctor or an engineer, everyone can't be a forex trader either. It's about interest and...
  13. J

    Mistake or right start - news trading for newbies

    On a news outbreak, the market will obviously react in a certain way. But this can increase market volatility and a newbie may get confused and not decide which way to go.
  14. J

    I am new to trading...any advice would be greatly welcomed!

    Keep risks low because that's how your losses will be small. You have a lot of time to make money. Use the starting years to get well-versed with the market and find the right strategy to use.
  15. J

    Next Step To Trading

    Take a plunge if you really want to know what it is and what needs to be done. With your own experience, you will know what is happening and how you can take advantage of your skills and what needs to be included in your strategy.