Recent content by GentleTrap

  1. G

    Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?

    For those of you who are wondering what became of the chess challenge , heres the game. We both enjoyed it and hope all you chess players do as well. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: silkenmask ;Black: gentletrap ;Date: Sun Dec 12 23:50:38 GMT 2004 1. d2-d4 g8-f6 2. c2-c4 e7-e6 3. g1-f3...
  2. G

    Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?

    Congratulations Bullish Bear on being Top dog , No pun intended. 30 Points is quite astounding and I suspect will stand as a T2W record for some time to come.
  3. G

    Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?

    Think and talk at the same time, OMG your asking a lot from a simple male brain, but ill do my best,
  4. G

    Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?

    Game On Iv not played chess for a while Silken, but I think I can remember how the Peices move and something about the Ruy Lopez & Nimzo Indian if your up for it
  5. G

    Is 25 Points a T2W Dow record anybody ?

    Iv Just been looking at the results of the Dow competition and see that the winner Silkenmask has amassed 25 points. 5 points for being correct on each of four consecutive weeks and another 5 for being closest on this last occasion. Silkenmask , if your happen to read this then i want to say...
  6. G


    Hi Counter The comp will be back when its back. If its down then no one can place their Guesstimate before you can. Honestly M8 I dont know why your in such a rush to Lose the comp.