Recent content by Forexintradiadarwin

  1. Forexintradiadarwin

    ETH Buying Area's

    I have to congratulate my self for that analysis...I was so accurate! I should pay more attention to my thoughts!!! LOL
  2. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinex Pro - Private Label

    My dear old mate, after several years of resisting by the side of Darwinex, finally you ended up on my boat. You've finally saw what I started seeing -the tip of iceberg- some years ago. Better late than ever though!;)
  3. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinex Pro - Private Label

    Yes, that's what I thought! I am as excited about it as you are...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  4. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinex Pro - Private Label

    Today in my email...wohoooooo
  5. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    Well, now you are off topic. Who blamed the broker?
  6. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    I am not going back and forth with you, but if you are really interested to find out why I said (and maintain) they became greedy all you have to do is compare what they offered and did the very first years with the last ones.
  7. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    If that is true, they sucks with communication. Anyway, it's being a while than I am not a Darwinex "friendly supporter", since they started showing clearly its greed.
  8. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    My darwin equity is $372.14...
  9. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    Have you seen the picture of my darwin FIU in Darwinia? READ it and let me know what you have understood. Here you have it again:
  10. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    Not exactly, I consider "active" any darwin that has at least ONE trade in the month, but you can see many inactive darwins in the list, like the darwin in position 910 (HTS), it doesn't have traded at all for since May 2019, so as your darwin KVL or mine BIL there are many on the list that are...
  11. Forexintradiadarwin

    Darwinia contest

    There are only 909 active darwins at January 31th (today), it is 128 darwins less than you saw exactly ONE MONTH AGO. And, it doesn't mean all these 909 darwins are really participating either. See the picture of my darwin FIU (it is in position 312 as of today), but because (I had no idea...
  12. Forexintradiadarwin

    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    That is true, however reducing your best traders profits is not the best way to have them happy. Darwinex needs to attract investors throughout the traders, how can you retain the best traders if you are punishing them? If that is a trend...what traders can think that will happen next? Another...
  13. Forexintradiadarwin

    ETH Buying Area's

    I am not a cryptos expert at all (but I bought cryptos as a long term investment some months ago...ETH, BTC, DOT, DOGE, VET AND TRX) If I hadn't bought ETH earlier I'd wait to see if it goes soon to 5K, 6K or more...and then I'd buy in the retraction and a good support could probably be 4K or...
  14. Forexintradiadarwin

    Property as investment: Still a good idea?

    Hi, could you let me know the name of the company you bought the properties from and the city or area the properties are located at? I am always interested on investment opportunities. Thanks
  15. Forexintradiadarwin

    [DARWIN] LSC and CVL by CavaliereVerde

    That's my favorite trading...rules and gut feeling based on experience. Unfortunately automatic trading can't give me that, neither adapt to fast market behavior that we can see in the last years...definitely not for my personality, not for me.