Recent content by everyonerich

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    Everyonerich's Trading Journal

    hi.. im not in japan.
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    beware Oanda - you should know this!

    for eg: you have buy opened position, entry at 1.2000 and SL at 1.1960 then you set another pending Sell limit order at 1.1960 and your pending order may not executed because oanda dont offer stoploss guarantee so assume if price was touched 1.1960, the buy opened position may not yet will...
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    beware Oanda - you should know this!

    for eg: u had buy order at 1.2000 and stoploss at 1.1960 if you want to reverse trade and sell limit if market hit the stoploss for previous buy order and enter the opposite direction right way, becareful you may not get any entry! sometimes the opened position sl is not closing yet even if...
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    reality or fake trader?

    btw something to ponder on about maneh..
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    reality or fake trader?

    assume if many ppl here wanted to become trader, generally we could sparks a lot of attention if someone claim he/she is trader working for company. however in reality, if he/she is really good trader werent usually better off trading their own account instead of company account? so "official"...
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    Let's Start a Skype Group

    what is ur skype ID?
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    Stupid or what!!

    posting here and assume you dont give up trading in the future is already success in the making..
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    Political Betting thread part deux

    politician themselves can take ur bets as much as possible, manipulate the results .. the most amount bet will lose, and minor bets win overall.. the rest of the money, pocket themselves..
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    Betting sequence for intra day trading

    just try on mt4 demo and give the read-only password here to let ppl see if you can make money or not.
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    FLOORED-Episode 1

    just watched all the video, great .. apparently some floor trader couldnt cope with new electronic trading. and these days the market behavior may have changed compare 80s - 90s, everyone access the same thing in a time.. probably mean less advantage can be taken?
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    No Losses Ever! 1000% win ratio!!!!

    i wont consider myself pro.. but.. u just tell everyone u do not have edge in the market..
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    Genuine 100% Risk free* trading method for Spread betting

    would eur/gbp and gbp/eur correlation chart same?
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    Newbie needs help!

    for fx, oanda broker is smallest. $0.0001 per pips
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    Throwing in the towel

    what is market timing service? someone that tells u when to buy or sell?